
The Church praying


Scripture:  They will pass through the sea of trouble; the surging sea
will be subdued, and all the depths of the Nile will dry up.
Assyria’s pride will be brought down, and Egypt’s
scepter will pass away. 12 I will strengthen them in the LORD
and in his name, they will live securely,” declares the LORD. Zechariah 10:11-12

Prayer Points - Philippians 4:6
•Pray for the world leaders and people of influence to turn to God.
• Pray for your political and spiritual leaders that they will listen to the voice of God in their decisions. Pray
• Pray for divine intervention in the war zones, flooded countries and
  refugee camps. May those in need receive more grace from the Lord.
• Pray that the church would have a prayer burden for the lost.
• Pray for the church to walk in God’s love and experience God’s love in a greater measure. Pray
• Pray for unity within the body. That disaccord, disunity, offense, and
rejection would have no place in the church. Pray
• Pray that preachers will proclaim the Word with boldness and be receptive to the Holy Spirit.
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